Welcome to Northern Lakes Catholic Communities:
St. Albert the Great ~ Land O Lakes,
St. Kunegunda of Poland ~ Sugar Camp,
St. Mary ~ Phelps,
St. Peter the Fisherman ~ Eagle River, and
St. Theresa of Avila ~ Three Lakes, 
located in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin!

Please visit & follow our new Facebook Page!

Click here to watch Fr. Ron's Daily Reflection/Homily  or here to watch our weekly mass livestream

Doug and Dave Show Tickets

Important Announcements

  • Please call the cluster office at 715-479-8704 to RSVP!
  • Click the photo to purchase tickets online!

Mass Times


St. Peter ~ 4 p.m.
St. Theresa ~ 4 p.m.
St. Kunegunda ~ 6 p.m. (Memorial Day thru Labor Day)

St. Mary~ 7:30 a.m.
St. Theresa ~ 8:30 a.m.
St. Albert ~ 9:15 a.m.
St. Kunegunda ~ 10:30 a.m.
St. Peter ~ 11:00 a.m.

Click on the Mass Tab at the top of the page for daily Mass & Confession times and locations.


Office Hours

Main Office (St. Peter's) : Monday-Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


Our Cluster Community is blessed with four Deacons. Click on the name below for contact information.

Deacon Al Goodrich

Deacon John McCaughn

Deacon Norm Mesun

Deacon Rick Miech

Parish Membership

All are welcome in our parishes!

Please contact our central parish office to register.


Permanent and seasonal residents are welcome!


Your Parishes Have Purchased a Gift for You!



  • Advent is the perfect time to start with FORMED!  www.FORMED.org
  • Contact the office if you need the code or have any trouble registering.

Formed Pick of the Week




Information on

the Synod on Synodality

can be found by clicking

on the logo to the right:


Daily reflections from Fr. Ron Serrao

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024   Click below to go to Fr Ron's Daily Reflection Fr. Ron's Daily Reflection: https://youtu.be/HOGnDb2i1ow

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Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024   Click below to go to Fr Ron's Daily Reflection Fr. Ron's Daily Reflection: https://youtu.be/M275PMzn51E

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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024   Click below to go to Fr Ron's Daily Reflection Fr. Ron's Daily Reflection: https://youtu.be/jftDHFs4V8Y

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Direct to your email

If you would like to receive Fr. Ron Serrao Reflection direct to your inbox each morning,

register here: 


Cluster Building Calendar

Click Agenda Tab at the right for Todays Events

Vatican News

Caritas Sister: Young Papuans will someday lead PNG's development

On the sidelines of Pope Francis’ visit with school children in Port Moresby, Sr. Florentina Cho expresses her trust in the younger generations, saying her religious congregation seeks to make them responsible citizens and future leaders of Papua New Guinea.

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‘Papuan Catholics must live their faith with a Melanesian heart’

French Canadian Montfortian missionary Fr. Gilles Côté explains how the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea has gradually taken shape over the past 145 years, inculturating the Gospel in this multiethnic society numbering over 600 tribes, each with their own specific identity.

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Day Two in PNG: Justice, closeness, compassion and tenderness

Kicking off his first full day on Papuan soil on Saturday, Pope Francis greeted the Governor-General, authorities and the diplomatic corps first thing in the morning as per papal journey protocol.

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March 2, 2023

USCCB Encourages HHS to Strengthen Conscience Rule

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has proposed new changes to regulations meant to protect conscience rights in health care. Let HHS know that conscience matters to you! 


Numerous federal laws protect the right of organizations and people working in health care to object, as a matter of conscience, to abortion, sterilization, assisted suicide, gender transition surgery, and other procedures. The enforcement of these conscience objection laws are governed by HHS regulations.


HHS has proposed revisions to these regulations, known as the “Conscience Rule,” which implements over a dozen conscience statutes. Under the Trump administration, HHS issued a strong version of the Conscience Rule, but courts struck it down, leaving in place the previous, extremely weak version from the Obama administration. On January 5, 2023, HHS proposed a new version.  


The USCCB and the WCC support this new proposed rule as an improvement over the 2019 Rule which is currently in place, but also urges HHS to strengthen the proposed rule. Individuals are encouraged to contact HHS in support of strengthening the Conscience Rule using the button below. 


To learn more, read the USCCB’s published comments on the rule, Cardinal Dolan’s December 30 statement, and visit the USCCB’s “Do No Harm” webpage on these regulations at the links below.


USCCB Comments on HHS Conscience Rule


Religious Liberty Chairman Cardinal Dolan Statement


USCCB Do No Harm Website